Submissions are now being sought for The Indie Acoustic Project’s Best CDs of 2007 Awards. Full-length CDs (25 minutes or longer) that have at least some acoustic instrumentation and were released for sale to the public during 2007 by any entity other than a major US label are eligible for consideration.   Entries must be postmarked no later than Dec. 31.

One award will be given in each of 15 categories: acoustic ensemble, alt country, alt rock, Americana, Celtic, instrumental, lyrics, multi-genre, rock, roots, singer-songwriter (male), singer-songwriter (female), world music-Africa, world music-Latin, and world music-Eurasia/global.  The Indie Acoustic Project will determine which category best fits the recording. 

Artists and independent labels may enter free of charge by sending a CD, along with an e-mail contact, to Indie Acoustic Project, 570 Union Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80304.  A brief bio sheet also may be included, although it is not necessary.  Finalists will be notified by e-mail and award certificates will be mailed to all winners. 

The Indie Acoustic Project, which sponsors the Best CD Awards as a public service, is “designed to generate increased awareness of indie artists and record companies by promoting and recognizing outstanding works of innovative, independently produced acoustic music from around the world, and to provide a means of helping artists to reach a wider audience,” according to its website ( 

The Indie Acoustic Project was launched in 2001 as a tribute to the best indie acoustic CDs of the 1990s and began presenting annual awards in 2003, according to attorney Jon Sirkis, the project’s artistic director. “The awards provide deserved recognition for great works of music that have, unfortunately, usually received very little anywhere else,” says Sirkis, an attorney who was a touring musician, songwriter and arts administrator for about 20 years.