When No Depression, which billed itself as “The Last Alt. Country (Whatever That Is) Bimonthly” ceased publication earlier this year, its owners vowed to continue a web presence.  Now comes word that plans for a major overhaul of NoDepression.com are well under way this summer, with a new site set to be launched in late September.   

NoDepression.com, which will be edited by the magazine’s founding co-editor Peter Blackstock, will include regular blogs by many of the magazine’s most frequent contributors, including Blackstock and fellow founding co-editor Grant Alden, according to a news release issued this week on their behalf.  Longtime co-publisher Kyla Fairchield will lead the business operations.  Reviews of recordings and live concerts, news updates, features on emerging artists, a list of upcoming releases, and discussion forums for readers also will be included on the revamped website, along with “a vast and cross-referenced archive featuring almost all content from No Depression magazine’s 75 issues published from 1995 to 2008.”

Despite an apparent surge of interest in Americana and roots music in the years since the magazine was launched, its publishers revealed to readers earlier this year that they could not cover the print and distribution costs largely due to a marked decline in advertising revenue.  The 75th issue of No Depression, dated May-June 2008 was its last as a bimonthly print publication.

However, a “bookazine,” to be designated No Depression #76, is expected to be available in print-form at bookstores throughout the U.S. in October.  With Blackstock and Alden at its helm as co-editors, the new publication, to be published in conjunction with the University of Texas Press, will be issued twice a year in the fall and spring.