Seeking to empower and inform developing artists whom he feels have been disenfranchised and disheartened by the state of the music industry and are desperate for change, Thomas Silverman, owner of Tommy Boy Entertainment, has reintroduced the New Music Seminars that he co-founded nearly 30 years ago. The influential music business gatherings, which helped to spawn other major music conferences, initially ran from 1980-1995.

Silverman believes that the changing musical landscape, however challenging it may be, provides artists — who have the requisite information, determination and talent — with opportunities to create their own success. In furtherance of this believe, he will present a New Music Seminar at Chicago’s Park West Theatre on Tuesday, October 6. Slated for 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., followed by a cocktail reception and an after-party, the day-long event will feature what is being billed as “an informational symphony in four movements.”

Keys to Success in the New Music Business, Marketing and Promotion, The Creative Process and Radical Differentiation, and Your Live Show and Tour will be explored in a series of panel discussions. Michael Spiegelman, who heads Yahoo! Music, will be the keynote speaker. Tickets are $99 in advance and can be purchased online at

The Chicago event follows a similar one that took place in New York City in late July.