GoGirlsMusic.com and Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) are partnering to co-present an online music festival via Concert Window, Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23, 2017. The Ladies in the House Online Music Festival will include artist showcases and a couple of workshops.
Extending from 12 noon-7 p.m. EST each day on ConcertWindow.com, The Ladies in the House Online Music Festival will feature female-driven music from two-dozen GoGirlsMusic and or Folk Alliance International members. Ariel Hyatt, founder of CyberPR, will present a 30-minute workshop on social media on Saturday afternoon, while singer-songwriter Tracy Grammer will present one on songwriting on Sunday.

Singer-Songwriter Tracy Grammer will present a workshop on songwriting and showcase her musical talents during The Ladies in the House Online Music Festival. (Photo: Ben Bernhardt)
Folks can logon to The Ladies in the House Online Music Festival via www.concertwindow.com. Although the festival is free, participating artists and workshop presenters will be accepting tips and are being encouraged by the festival’s organizers to offer fun tip rewards for generous festivalgoers. While participating artists will be setting up shows on their own channels (direct Concert Window links), all of the showcases and workshops will be tagged #LITHfestival. A complete schedule for the online music festival may be found by searching that hashtag on ConcertWindow.com, as well as at www.facebook.com/events/1650406141656101/. Festival organizers also will be in the chat room throughout the event to direct folks to the next showcase or workshop.
“GoGirlsMusic is thrilled to be partnering with NERFA and ConcertWindow for our second annual online music festival,” said Rorie Kelly, co-executive director of the online community that was launched in 1996 to promote, support and empower independent women musicians from around the world through networking and events. “Recently there has been a lot in the news about music festivals being very male dominated, and we at GoGirls want to turn the tables on that by producing a female-centered music festival,” the New York-based singer-songwriter and fiery acoustic rocker added. “If you’ve never attended an online music festival before, think of it like a pub crawl that you can attend in your pajamas without ever leaving your home. It’s a ton of fun and we can’t wait to beam two full days of female-powered music into your homes!”
GoGirlsMusic.com has previously produced such annual events as the GoGirlsMusicFest and Invasion of the GoGirls during SXSW, and it has hosted showcases at Folk Alliance International conferences that also were streamed around the world.
With geographic boundaries that extend from the northern Virginia suburbs to the eastern Canadian provinces, NERFA is a regional affiliate of Folk Alliance International, a Kansas City, MO-based nonprofit organization that seeks to engage and empower the international folk music community through education, advocacy and performance. NERFA hosts an annual conference in Stamford, Connecticut in November and is increasingly seeking to engage in activities year-round that are beneficial to FAI members in its region and to the “folk” community more broadly speaking.
“We’ve partnered with festivals, venues and presenting organizations in the U.S. and Canada in recent years in hosting showcases and workshops,” said Michael Kornfeld, president of NERFA’s board of directors. “This online music festival is a natural extension of those efforts, as well as a way to embrace technology, provide a new platform for artists to expand their audiences, and expose people to a lot of talented musicians in the comfort of their own homes.” He expressed thanks to Cheryl Prashker, his predecessor as NERFA’s board president; Jessica Wrubel, NERFA’s board secretary; and Rorie Kelly and Delia Stanley, GoGirlsMusic’s co-executive director, for their efforts in helping to organize the online event.
“Concert Window has been a wonderful way for us to connect more deeply and really support each other’s music,” said Kelly, noting that GoGirls is an international community. “We love what they do and have been advocating for our members to use Concert Window since it first started up,” she continued. “For me personally, as a regional musician, it has really allowed me to expand my reach and perform for fans and friends around the globe who would otherwise not get to see me.”
Dan Gurney, Concert Window’s CEO, engaged in a Q & A session with GoGirls members during a weekly #ggchat on Twitter early last year. The chat was the brainchild of GoGirls founder Madalyn Sklar, a music business coach and consultant and noted social media maven. “We also interviewed him for our blog and got him to share his thoughts on how musicians could make the best use of the medium [that interview can be found at http://bit.ly/1ZJgWsa],” said Kelly.
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