John McCutcheon
On his 40th recording, John McCutcheon, a much-revered folksinger-songwriter and a multi-instrumentalist, pays tribute to the music of his friend and mentor, the late folk icon Pete Seeger. McCutcheon calls To Everyone in All the World “an album I’ve been waiting over 50 years to make.” Also lending their musical talents to the recording are Beausoleil, Suzy Bogguss, Stuart Duncan, Finest Kind, Corey Harris, and Hot Rize.
Of his friend, Seeger had said: “John McCutcheon is not only one of the best musicians in the USA, but also a great singer, songwriter, and song leader. And not just incidentally, he is committed to helping hard-working people everywhere to organize and push this world in a better direction.”
McCutcheon, a performing and recording artist since the mid-1970s, is also a longtime labor and social activist. He is a founder and former president of Local 1000, the traveling acoustic musicians local of the American Federation of Musicians. He has keynoted conferences for several regional affiliates of Folk Alliance International. His previous release, Ghost Light, was the #2 album on folk radio in 2018 and also features three of last year’s 25 most-played songs (“This Road,” “She Just Dances,” and “The Machine”). McCutcheon’s classic “Christmas in the Trenches” tied for the most-played song on folk radio last December and has been among the most-played songs during the holiday season for years.
The February 2019 Top Albums, Songs and Artists charts are based on 13.656 airplays reported on 570 playlists submitted by 132 different DJs. The number of reported spins is shown below in parentheses. The charts are compiled by Folk Alliance International (www.folk.org), a nonprofit organization that aims to serve, strengthen, and engage the global folk music community through preservation, presentation and promotion.
The monthly top albums and songs charts are posted on AcousticMusicScene.com, with permission.
Top Albums of February 2019
1. To Everyone in All the World: A Celebration of Pete Seeger by John McCutcheon (119)
2. What Will We Do by Lula Wiles (97)
3. Time and Truth by Joel Mabus (77)
4. Common Chords by Robert Jones and Matt Watroba (76)
5. Facets of Folk by Mara Levine (69)
6. Songs of Our Native Daughters by Our Native Daughters (64)
7. Tides of a Teardrop by Mandolin Orange (57)
7. Off to Here Land by Ashley and Simpson (57)
9. October in the Railroad Earth by Tom Russell (55)
10. The Best of Live: 50 Years of Livingston Taylor by Livingston Taylor (54)
11. A New Story by J Wagner (47)
12. Sweet Creature by Sophie Buskin (45)
13. North Country by Danny Burns (43)
14. Unfortunate Point of View by Katherine Rondeau (42)
15. Valley of the Bones by Jane Kramer (41)
16. At Home in the Darkness by Mike P. Ryan (39)
17. Somewhere in the Middle by Wes Weddell (38)
17. Pseudomyopia by Rachael Sage (38)
19. Legacy of Love by Ellen Bukstel (36)
20. Tex by Terry Klein (35)
21. A List of Names by Karyn Oliver (34)
22. Game Changer by Rachael Kilgour (32)
23. Stay the Course by Same Latitude as Rome (30)
23. Rubies in the Dust by Terry Kitchen (30)
25. Tomorrow Will Be Yesterday Soon by Jon Shain and Fj Ventre (28)
25. The Point of Arrival by Carrie Newcomer (28)
27. Steel by Nell and Jim Band (27)
27. What It Is by Hayes Carll (27)
27. When You Go by Tiffany Williams (27)
30. Smoke and Ashes by The Lonely Heartstring Band (26)
30. Riverland by Peter Cooper and Thomm Jutz Eric Brace (26)
30. If You Can’t Stand the Heat by Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen (26)
33. Everyday Street by Lucy Kaplansky (25)
33. 1000 Miles by Bettman and Halpin (25)
33. Siren by Five Letter Word (25)
33. Live in L.A. by Ken Dunn (25)
33. Savoir Faire to Spare by Dashboard Hula Girls (25)
33. November Rain by Steve Sterner and Sundown (25)
39. See You Around by I’m With Her (23)
39. Wasted Love Songs by Bob Sumner (23)
39. Woven Waters by Tellico (23)
39. Father’s Son by Pierce Pettis (23)
39. Getaway by Abigail Lapell (23)
39. Tim O’Brien Band by Tim O’Brien (23)
45. The Butcher Shoppe EP by Della Mae (22)
45. Travelin’ Shoes by Marley’s Ghost (22)
47. Shine On by Steve Poltz (21)
47. A Good Dog Is Lost by Ken Tizzard (21)
47. The Hammered Dulcimer by Bill Spence and Fennig’s All-Star String
Band (21)
50. Territoires by Le Vent Du Nord (20)
50. The Tree of Forgiveness by John Prine (20)
52. Some People I Know by Brother Brothers (19)
52. Ready to Go by Reggie Harris (19)
52. Anyone Can See by The Honey Dewdrops (19)
55. Secularia by Eliza Gilkyson (18)
56. Give Up Your Ghosts by Rebecca Loebe (17)
56. Riding the Rooster by Evie Ladin (17)
56. High Road by Midnight Shine (17)
56. Grenades by Kaia Kater (17)
56. Land and Harbor by Shawn Lane and Richard Bennett (17)
56. Heart Songs by Tommy Emmanuel and John Knowles (17)
62. Up Against the Sky by Dave Gunning (16)
62. Black Cowboys by Dom Flemons (16)
62. Folk Alliance International 2019 Showcase Compilation CD by Various
Artists (16)
62. Over the Line by Jeff Scroggins and Colorado (16)
66. Small Brown Bird by Zoe Mulford (15)
66. The Long Road by Beth Wood (15)
66. The Broken Heart of Everything by David Francey (15)
66. Kid Bayonne by Ray Lambiase (15)
66. Thirty Years of Bluegrass by Various Artists (15)
Top Songs of February 2019
1. “Sailing Down My Golden River” by John McCutcheon (18)
2. “Good Friends” by Livingston Taylor (17)
2. “When I Need You Most of All” by Sophie Buskin (17)
4. “Thank a Teacher” by Joel Mabus (16)
5. “3 Chords, 5 Notes” by Robert Jones and Matt Watroba (15)
6. “Mind Your Own Business” by Robert Jones and Matt Watroba (13)
6. “Black Myself” by Our Native Daughters (13)
6. “Golden Embers” by Mandolin Orange (13)
6. “Sweet Creature” by Sophie Buskin (13)
6. “The Pain of Loving You” by Lula Wiles (13)
11. “Well May the World Go” by John McCutcheon (12)
11. “October in the Railroad Earth” by Tom Russell (12)
13. “Shaking as It Turns” by Lula Wiles (11)
13. “Everybody Wants to Hide” by J Wagner (11)
13. “Shady Grove” by Shawn Lane and Richard Bennett (11)
13. “Daughters and Sons” by Mara Levine (11)
13. “The Moon May Never Shine This Way Again” by Joel Mabus (11)
13. “Love Gone Wrong” by Lula Wiles (11)
13. “Sixteen Tons” by Della Mae (11)
13. “If I Had a Hammer” by John McCutcheon (11)
13. “What Will We Do” by Lula Wiles (11)
13. “Moon Meets the Sun” by Our Native Daughters (11)
23. “Living in the Country” by John McCutcheon (10)
23. “Lonely All the Time” by Mandolin Orange (10)
23. “Good Old American Values” by Lula Wiles (10)
23. “Garden” by Rachael Kilgour (10)
23. “Hymn” by Jane Kramer (10)
23. “Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye” by Mara Levine (10)
23. “In America” by Rachael Kilgour (10)
23. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Joel Mabus (10)
23. “February Face” by Wes Weddell (10)
Top Artists of February 2019
1. John McCutcheon (147)
2. Lula Wiles (99)
3. Joel Mabus (82)
4. Tom Russell (79)
5. Robert Jones and Matt Watroba (77)
6. Mara Levine (73)
7. Mandolin Orange (67)
8. Our Native Daughters (66)
9. Ashley and Simpson (57)
10. Livingston Taylor (56)
11. Bob Dylan (53)
12. J Wagner (47)
13. Sophie Buskin (45)
14. Katherine Rondeau (44)
15. Tim O’Brien (43)
15. Danny Burns (43)
17. Rachael Sage (42)
18. Jane Kramer (41)
19. Mike P. Ryan (39)
20. Wes Weddell (38)
21. Ellen Bukstel (37)
22. Terry Klein (36)
23. Joan Baez (34)
23. Karyn Oliver (34)
25. Lucy Kaplansky (33)
25. The Honey Dewdrops (33)
25. Joni Mitchell (33)
28. Rachael Kilgour (32)
28. Terry Kitchen (32)
28. Carrie Newcomer (32)
31. John Prine (31)
32. I’m With Her (30)
32. Pete Seeger (30)
32. Same Latitude as Rome (30)
35. Eliza Gilkyson (29)
35. Jon Shain and Fj Ventre (29)
35. Hayes Carll (29)
35. Tim Grimm (29)
39. Sweet Honey in the Rock (28)
39. Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen (28)
39. Nell and Jim Band (28)
39. Tiffany Williams (28)
39. The Lonely Heartstring Band (28)
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