Sarah Jarosz had the top album (Polaroid Lovers), two of the top ten songs, and was the most-played artist on folk radio during March 2024. “The Ballad of Sally Anne” by Rhiannon Giddens and “If God is an Apple” by Erik Balkey and Jessica Smucker tied for the month’s top song. So say charts compiled by Folk Alliance International based on radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in folk-based music on the radio.
The March 2024 top albums, songs and artists charts are based on 13,042 airplays reported on 429 playlists submitted by 111 different folk DJs. The number of reported spins is shown below in parentheses.
Folk Alliance International ( is a nonprofit organization that aims to serve, strengthen, and engage the global folk music community through preservation, presentation and promotion.
Top Albums of March 2024
[Here’s a link to view a video of Sarah Jarosz performing songs from Polaroid Lovers, the top album on folk radio during March 2024:]

Polaroid Lovers by Sarah Jarosz was the most-played album on folk radio during March 2024.
2 Gardens Old, Flowers New by Tom Rush (70)
3 World Brand New by Mouths of Babes (69)
3 Donegal by Altan (69)
5 American Patchwork Quartet by American Patchwork Quartet (53)
6 Singing to the Moon by Jillian Matundan (50)
7 Sparrow by Jeff Talmadge (49)
8 More Than a Whisper: Celebrating the Music of Nanci Griffith by Various Artists (44)
9 When the Light Gets In By Runa (43)
9 Ordinary Sunrise by Jay Linden (43)
11 Simple Motion by Eric Brace and Thomm Jutz (40)
12 Bound for Land by Leslie Evers (38)
13 All My Friends by Aoife O’Donovan (36)
14 Halfway to Houston by Susan Werner (34)
14 No Such Thing as Forever by Josh Fortenbery (34)
16 Likely Story: An Eclectic Collection of Songs for the Soul by Mad Agnes (33)
17 The Fields of Chazy by Claudia Gibson (32)
18 I Kept These Old Blues by Muireann Bradley (31)
18 Never Too Late: Duets With My Friends by Jim Kweskin (31)
18 My Black Country: The Songs of Alice Randall by Various Artists (31)
21 Salt Box by Charm City Junction (30)
21 Speed of Sound by Jesse Lynn Madera (30)
21 The Space Between by The Heart Collectors (30)
24 Graced by Leaves by Simone Keane (28)
25 North Star by Carole Wise (27)
26 The Living Kind by John Smith (26)
27 The Robin’s Call by Wayne Brereton (25)
27 On the Water by Lisa Bastoni (25)
27 Critterland by Willi Carlisle (25)
30 Dark Harvest by Malcolm MacWatt (24)
31 Highlander by Missy Raines (23)
32 Whitechapel by West of Eden (22)
33 Sideways by The Steel Wheels (21)
34 Peaceful Means by Peaceful Means (20)
34 Little Sun by Charlie Parr (20)
36 Forever by Old Dogs New Tricks (19)
36 Bits and Pieces by Malcolm Holcombe (19)
38 Together by Tom Paxton and John McCutcheon (18)
38 Morning Sun by Lisa Klotz (18)
38 Halfsies by Lizzie No (18)
38 Ezra by Ezra (18)
38 So Strong by Jaspar Lepak (18)
43 Land of Dreams by Annie Moscow (17)
43 Did You Hear the Red-Winged Blackbird? by Annie Gallup (17)
43 Mother by The Wandering Hearts (17)
46 Songs of a Lifetime by Stan Rogers (16)
46 The Breath Between by David Francey (16)
46 Return Home Lisa Doscher (16)
46 Interpretations Vol. 1 by Alice Di Micele (16)
46 Desert Pavement by Ismay (16)
46 Ozark Symphony by Kelly Hunt (16)
Top Songs of March 2024
[Here’s a link to enjoy a video of Erik Balkey and Jessica Smucker performing their song entitled “If God is an Apple:”]
[And here’s one to view he official lyric video for Rhiannon Giddens’ song “The Ballad of Sally Anne:”]
1 “The Ballad of Sally Anne” by Rhiannon Giddens (23)
1 “If God Is an Apple” by Erik Balkey and Jessica Smucker (23)
3 “World Brand New” by Mouths of Babes (18)
3 “Trapped in an Irish Drinking Song” by Miranda Hardy (18)
5 “One More Time Around the Sun” by Tom Rush (17)
6 “The Barley and the Rye” by Altan (15)
7 “Someone to Follow” by Aoife O’Donovan (14)
7 “Runaway Train” by Sarah Jarosz (14)
9 “Days Can Turn Around” by Sarah Jarosz (13)
9 “River Rock” by Meghan Cary (13)
11 “Worth” by Jillian Matundan (12)
11 “The Fields of Chazy” by Claudia Gibson (12)
11 “Pictures of You” by Mouths of Babes (12)
14 “Tree of Life” by Mara Levine (11)
14 “10 Dollar Show” by Jay Linden (11)
14 “Relic of the Rain” by Ordinary Elephant (11)
14 “When the Lights Go Out” by Sarah Jarosz (11)
14 “Her Voice Is a River” by Colleen Kattau (11)
14 “Nothing Says It’s Springtime Like the Redbud” by Chris Haddox (11)
14 “The Border” by Willie Nelson (11)
14 “Jubilee” by Mouths of Babes (11)
22 “Rhapsody in Blue(s)” by Bela Fleck (10)
22 “Frozen” by Jillian Matundan (10)
22 “Take the High Road” by Sarah Jarosz (10)
22 “Once Upon a Time” by Ordinary Elephant (10)
22 “Sailing” by Tom Rush (10)
22 “Beneath the Willow” by American Patchwork Quartet (10)
22 “The Donegal Selection: An Bothar Mor/Tommy Peoples’ Reel/Is Cuma Liom (Reels)” by Altan (10)
Top Artists of March 2024
1 Sarah Jarosz (92)
2 Tom Rush (76)
2 Altan (76)
4 Mouths of Babes (70)
5 Stan Rogers (57)
6 American Patchwork Quartet (53)
7 Jillian Matundan (51)
7 Susan Werner (51)
9 Malcolm Holcombe (50)
10 Jeff Talmadge (49)
10 Runa (49)
12 Rhiannon Giddens (48)
13 Jay Linden (43)
14 Eric Brace and Thomm Jutz (40)
14 Aoife O’Donovan (40)
16 John Smith (38)
16 Leslie Evers (38)
18 Mad Agnes (35)
18 Nanci Griffith (35)
18 Jim Kweskin (35)
21 Josh Fortenbery (34)
22 John McCutcheon (32)
22 Muireann Bradley (32)
22 The Heart Collectors (32)
22 Claudia Gibson (32)
26 Jesse Lynn Madera (31)
26 Doc Watson (31)
28 Simone Keane (30)
28 Charm City Junction (30)
30 David Francey (29)
30 Joni Mitchell (29)
32 The Chieftains (28)
32 Carole Wise (28)
32 Tim O’Brien (28)
32 Lisa Bastoni (28)
36 Bob Dylan (27)
36 Charlie Parr (27)
38 Ordinary Elephant (26)
39 Willi Carlisle (25)
39 Wayne Brereton (25)
39 Malcolm MacWatt (25)
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