Acoustic Radio Waves
Top Albums and Songs of November 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Top Albums and Songs of November 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

22 Days by John McCutcheon was the most-played album on folk radio during November 2013, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. Several tracks from the album by the noted songwriter and multi-instrumentalist also were reportedly among the month's most-played songs. {To view the Top Albums and Songs charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-30-13

Memories and Moments by Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott continued to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week, while Internal Sounds by Canadian alt-country rockers The Sadies retained the #1 spot on the Americana/roots country chart. Linda Thompson's Won't Be Long Now and Lori McKenna's Massachusetts moved into the #2 positions on the respective charts. [The current Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts are posted with permission on To view them, click on the headline below.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-23-13

Memories and Moments by Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott continued to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week, while Internal Sounds by Canadian alt-country rockers The Sadies retained the #1 spot on the Americana/roots country chart. [The current Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts are posted with permission on To view them, click on the headline below.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-16-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-16-13

Memories and Moments by Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott returned to the #1 spot on the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week, while Internal Sounds by Canadian alt-country rockers The Sadies advanced to the top position on the Americana-Roots Country chart. [To view the latest Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-02-13

Memories and Moments by Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott retained the #1 spot on the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week, while Still Fighting the War by Slaid Cleaves continued to top the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the current Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, please click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-26-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-26-13

Memories and Moments, a new album from Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott, continued to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week, while David Bromberg's Only Slightly Mad was reportedly the second most played album. Still Fighting the War by Slaid Cleaves retains the #1 spot on the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the current Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, please click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-18-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-18-13

Memories and Moments, a new album from Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott, continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week week, while Still Fighting the War by singer-songwriter Slaid Cleaves moves back into the #1 spot on the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the current Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, please click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-11-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-11-13

Memories and Moments, a new album from Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott, topped the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week. Blind, Crippled and Crazy , a duo recording by Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark continues to top the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-04-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 10-04-13

These Wilder Things, the latest album by Canadian singer-songwriter Ruth Moody, returned to the #1 position on the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week. Blind, Crippled and Crazy , the first duo release by singer-songwriters Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark in 40 years, continues to top the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]
Top Albums and Songs of September 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Top Albums and Songs of September 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Aragon Mill: The Bluegrass Sessions by Si Kahn and the Looping Brothers was the most-played album on folk radio during September 2013, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. The top albums and songs charts are posted with permission on To view them and a video of Si Kahn and the Looping Brothers performing "Aragon Mill," click on the headline.
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 09-27-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 09-27-13

American Kid, the eighth studio release by singer-songwriter Patty Griffin, continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week. Blind, Crippled and Crazy , the first duo release by singer-songwriters Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark in 40 years, retains the #1 position on the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 09-20-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 09-20-13

American Kid, the eighth studio release by singer-songwriter Patty Griffin, returned to the #1 position on the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart last week. Blind, Crippled and Crazy , the first duo release by singer-songwriters Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark in 40 years, continues to top the Americana/roots country chart. [To view the Folk and Americana-Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, which are posted with permission on, click on the headline.]