Acoustic Radio Waves
Top Albums and Songs of June 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Top Albums and Songs of June 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Ring Them Bells, the debut release by The Copper Ponies (Annie Donahue and Erik Balkey), was the most-played album on folk radio during June 2013 and also features three of the four most-played songs, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. Closely following The Copper Ponies' debut were new albums by the Celtic band Burning Bridget Cleary and singer-songwriter Buddy Mondlock. {To view the Top Albums and Songs charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 07-05-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 07-05-13

Canadian singer-songwriter Ruth Moody's These Wilder Things moves up to the #1 position on the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week, while Steve Earle & The Dukes (& Duchesses)' The Low Highway continues to top the roots country/Americana chart. Both charts are posted, with permission, on [To view the current Folk and Roots country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-28-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-28-13

Grammy Award-winning Americana singer-songwriter Patty Griffin's American Kid continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week. Steve Earle & The Dukes (& Duchesses)' The Low Highway returns to the #1 spot on the Americana-roots country chart. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-21-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-21-13

American Kid, the eighth studio release by Grammy Award-winning Americana singer-songwriter Patty Griffin, continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart . Runaway Freeway Blues, the third studio album by Knoxville, TN-based Americana band the Black Lillies retains the #1 position on the Roots Country/Americana chart. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-14-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-14-13

American Kid, the eighth studio release by Grammy Award-winning Americana singer-songwriter Patty Griffin, continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week. Runaway Freeway Blues, the third studio album by Knoxville, TN-based Americana band the Black Lillies moves up to the #1 position on the Roots Country/Americana chart. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-07-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 06-07-13

Patty Griffin's American Kid continues to top the Roots Music Report Folk radio airplay chart this week, while Billy Bragg's new album Tooth & Nail moves into the #1 position on the Roots Country/Americana chart. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Top Albums and Songs of May 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Top Albums and Songs of May 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

David Francey, one of Canada's most revered singer-songwriters, had both the most-played album (So Say We All) and song ("Rain") on folk radio during May 2013, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. The Boxcar Lilies, a western Massachusetts-based Americana harmony trio, had both the #2 album (Sugar Shack) and song ("Lightnin'"). To view the Top Albums and Songs charts, click on the headline.

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 05-31-13

Singer-songwriter Patty Griffin's American Kid and Steve Earle & The Dukes (& Duchesses)' The Low Highway, both New West releases, have continued to top the Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country/Americana radio airplay charts for the past several weeks. Moving up several notches to the #2 position on each of the charts are Ruth Moody's These Wilder Things and Billy Bragg's Tooth & Nail, respectively. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 05-10-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 05-10-13

Singer-songwriter Patty Griffin's American Kid tops the the Roots Music Report folk radio chart for a second week, while Steve Earle & the Dukes (& Duchesses)' The Low Highway, also a New West release, retains the #1 spot on the roots country chart. [To view the current folk and roots country radio charts, click on the headline.]
Top Albums and Songs of April 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Top Albums and Songs of April 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)

Folk harmony trio Brother Sun's sophomore release, Some Part of the Truth, was the the most-played album on folk radio during April 2013, as it was in March. The Steel Wheels' "Go Up To That Mountain," from the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain's-based string band's album No More Rain, was the most-played song, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. [To view the Top Albums and Songs charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 05-03-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 05-03-13

Singer-songwriter Patty Griffin's American Kid moves into the #1 position on the Roots Music Report folk radio chart this week, while Steve Earle & the Dukes (& Duchesses)' The Low Highway, also a New West release, tops the roots country chart. [To view the current folk and roots country radio charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 04-26-13

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 04-26-13

Child Ballads, the new album by Anais Mitchell and Jefferson Hamer, tops the Roots Music Report folk radio chart this week. Son Volt's Honky Tonk remains #1 on the roots country chart. [To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]