Top Albums and Songs of January 2013 (FOLKDJ-L)
Jewels and Harmony, a collection of 15 hand-picked and beautifully interpreted contemporary folk songs by New Jersey-based folksinger and jewelry designer Mara Levine, was the most-played album on folk radio in January. Her second release includes a moving arrangement of Michael Smith's classic "The Dutchman," as sung by Levine and Si Kahn, and "When I Sing With You," a song that Kahn wrote for the album that features Gathering Time and Joe Jencks on harmony vocals. Those were the top two songs of the month, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in folk-based music on the radio.
[Click on headline to view charts.]...

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 02-01-13
Mark Knopfler's Privateering continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week, while Greg Brown's Hymns to What Is Left retains the #1 position on the roots country chart.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 01-25-13
Mark Knopfler's Privateering continues to top the Roots Music Report folk radio airplay chart this week, while Greg Brown's Hymns to What Is Left moves into the #1 position on the roots country chart.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 01-18-13
Albums by British guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits fame) and Alberta-born singer-songwriter Corb Lund retained the top spots in the Roots Music Report folk and roots country radio charts last week. Photo of Mark Knopfler by Fabio Lovino.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 01-04-13
Albums by British guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits fame) and Alberta-born singer-songwriter Corb Lund continue to top the Roots Music Report folk and roots country radio charts. Photo of Mark Knopfler by Fabio Lovino.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]

Top Folk Albums of 2012 (FOLKDJ-L)
Little Blue Egg by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer was reportedly the most-played album on folk radio during 2012, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. Little Blue Egg also features the year's most-played song, "Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key."
[To view the Top Folk Albums of 2012 chart, click on the headline.]
Top Albums and Songs of December 2012 (FOLKDJ-L)
Holiday and seasonal music dominated the radio waves during December 2012. Joel Mabus' A Parlor Guitar Christmas was reportedly the most played album on folk radio, while John McCutcheon's classic "Christmas in the Trenches" was the top song, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L., an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio.
[To view the Top Albums and Songs charts for December 2012, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 12-14-12
For a third consecutive week, albums by British guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits fame) and Alberta-born singer-songwriter Corb Lund continue to top the Roots Music Report folk and roots country radio charts. Photo of Mark Knopfler by Fabio Lovino. The next Roots Music Reports charts will be posted in January,.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 12-07-12
Albums by British guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits fame) and Alberta-born singer-songwriter Corb Lund continue to top the Roots Music Report folk and roots country radio charts.
[To view the current Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]

Top Albums and Songs of November 2012 (FOLKDJ-L)
Chris Brashear's Heart of the Country, Annie Lou's Grandma's Rules for Drinking and Iris DeMent's Sing the Delta were reportedly the most played albums on folk radio during November 2012, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio. The title track of Canadian singer-songwriter Annie Lou's new CD also was the most-played song, closely followed by Anne Hills' rendition of "Early Snow" from The Things I Notice Now: Anne Hills Sings the Songs of Tom Paxton.
[To view the Top Albums and Songs charts for November 2012, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-30-12
Privateering, the first double-album set from British guitarist and songwriter Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits fame), tops the Roots Music Report folk radio chart this week. Alberta-born honky-tonk singer-songwriter Corb Lund's new release, Cabin Fever, returns to the #1 spot on the roots country chart.
[To view the current Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]

Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Radio Charts, 11-23-12
Our Lady of the Tall Trees, the sophomore release by Seattle-based new old-time duo Cahalen Morrison & Eli West, tops this week's Roots Music Report folk radio chart. Depending on the Distance, Oklahoma-Texas Red Dirt-style troubadour Jimmy LaFave's first studio album in five years, moves into the #1 spot on the roots country chart.
[To view the current Roots Music Report Folk and Roots Country Top 50 albums charts, click on the headline.]
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