Top Albums, Songs – October 2017 (FOLKDJ-L)
Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers had the most-played album (The Long Awaited Album), while fellow Rounder artist Chris Hillman’s “Wildflowers” was the most-played song on folk radio during October 2017. So say charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio.
[The monthly top albums and songs charts are posted on AcousticMusicScene.com, with permission. To view them, click on the headline.]
Remembering Phil Ochs on the 40th Anniversary of His Death
Phil Ochs was an iconic American troubadour who passionately believed that he and his music could help change the world. Many of his songs became anthems for the anti-war movement during the turbulent 1960s, and his music continues to influence and inspire songwriters today – 40 years after his death. Among his best-known songs are “Changes,” “I Ain’t Marching Anymore,” “Small Circle of Friends,” “There But For Fortune,” and “When I’m Gone.” At least several folk DJs will mark the 40th anniversary of Phil Ochs’ passing on April 9 by airing special programs that weekend, while others have been playing his songs this week.
[To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]

Top Albums and Songs of March 2014 (FOLKDJ-L)
One Evening in May, recorded live at the Freight and Salvage in Berkeley, California last May by bluegrass and Americana artist Laurie Lewis with friends Tom Rozum and Nina Gerber, was the most-played album on folk radio during March 2014, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio.
[To view the Top Albums and Songs charts for March 2014, click on the headline.]
NERFA Hosts Two One-Day Mini-Conferences
The Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) is partnering with the Rhode Island Songwriters Association (RISA) and Focus Music -- which presents and supports folk and acoustic music in the Washington, D.C. area -- to present one-day mini-conferences on June 1 and 9, respectively, in Kingston, Rhode Island and Rockville, Maryland.
[To read the full article, including information on workshops and artist showcases, click on the headline.]
Folk Alliance Region-West Conference Set for Nov. 6-8

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