Hosts Song Swaps at 11th Annual Huntington Folk Festival, July 30
Slaid Cleaves, an acclaimed Maine-bred and Texas-based singer-songwriter, headlines the 11th Annual Huntington Folk Festival on Saturday, July 30 at Huntington, New York’s Heckscher Park, located off Main Street (Route 25A) and Prime Avenue. Extending from noon until l0:30 p.m., the free festival – co-presented by the Folk Music Society of Huntington (FMSH) and the Huntington Arts Council – is part of the 51st Annual Huntington Summer Arts Festival. hosts song swaps during the afternoon.
[To continue reading this article and see the complete schedule, click on the headline.] Hosts Late-Night Song Swaps at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will host a series of late-night song swaps during the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, July 30-August 2, in partnership with Pirate Camp, which was informally launched by Stuart Kabak and the late Jack Hardy more than a decade ago to provide a warm and welcoming haven for sharing music, food and camaraderie.
[To continue reading this preview of the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival and see the complete schedule for the tent @ Pirate Camp, click on the headline.]
Emerging Artists Showcase Performers Chosen for Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Twenty-four artists/duos or groups have been selected to perform in the Emerging Artists Showcase during the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival on Friday afternoon, July 31, from noon to 4:30 p.m.
To continue reading this article and see the list of Emerging Artists Showcase performers, click on the headline.
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