Posts tagged "music conferences"

Registration Opens for 25th NERFA Conference

Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) has launched a new website ( and opened registration for its 25th annual conference to be held in Stamford, Connecticut, November 7-10, 2019. Artists may also now apply online for juried official showcases. [To continue reading this short article, click on the headline.]

Singer-Songwriters Flock to Cape May, NJ, March 29-30

The maddening crowds of summer won’t be there yet, but several hundred performing artists and others engaged in the music business are expected to converge on the historic Victorian-lined New Jersey seaside resort community of Cape May, March 29-30, 2019 for the 12th annual Singer-Songwriter Cape May conference. [To continue reading this article and view videos by featured artists Jesse Terry and Erin McKeown, click on the headline.]
Folk and Roots Artists Showcase Their Talents During APAP Conference in New York City

Folk and Roots Artists Showcase Their Talents During APAP Conference in New York City

Dozens of performers from the folk, roots and singer-songwriter communities showcased their talents during the annual conference of the Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) that took place January 4-8. The global multidisciplinary performing arts marketplace and conference drew several thousand arts professionals from throughout the U.S. and many other countries to New York City. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]

Activist Musicians Converge on NYC for PMN Winter Gathering, Jan. 25-27, 2019

There will be lots of singing of socially relevant songs, communal meals, mentoring, socializing, and a wide array of workshops during the People’s Music Network’s 39th annual Winter Gathering that takes place in New York City, January 25-27, 2019. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]

2018 NERFA Conference Celebrates Music and Community, Nov. 8-11, in Stamford, CT

More than 700 performing artists, presenters, promoters, agents and managers, folk DJs, and others actively engaged in contemporary and traditional folk music are expected to converge on the Crowne Plaza in Stamford, Connecticut, Nov. 8-11, 2018 for the 24th Annual Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) Conference. will again have a major presence as it hosts afternoon and late-night song swaps in addition to its popular Midnight Hoot at the close of the conference’s first day. [To continue reading this illustrated article -- including listings of juried showcase artists and the showcase lineup -- click on the headline.]

Juried Official Showcase Artists Chosen for 2018 NERFA Conference in Stamford, CT, Nov. 8-11

More than 40 artists/acts have been selected for juried formal and semi-formal showcases during the 24th annual Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) Conference, slated for Nov. 8-11, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT. [To continue reading this article that includes an overview of the conference and the names of all the formal and semi-formal showcase artists and alternates, click on the headline.]

Official Showcase Artists Chosen for 2018 FARM Conference in Michigan, Oct. 25-28

Fourteen artists/acts have been selected (from among more than 130 applicants) to perform official showcases during the 2018 Folk Alliance Region Midwest (FARM) Conference slated for October 25-28 at the Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel & Conference Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. [To continue reading this article -- including a listing of official showcase artists and alternates and more conference information -- click on the headline.]

2018 SWRFA Conference Shaping Up for September; Showcase Artists Selected

Seventeen artists/acts have been selected to perform Official Showcases during the 2018 Southwest Regional Folk Alliance (SWRFA) Conference, Sept. 26-30, at the Holiday Inn – Midtown in Austin, Texas. Eight will perform on Friday night, while nine will do so on Saturday night. In addition, six alternates have been invited to showcase their talents late Thursday night, the 28th. [To continue reading this article previewing the 2018 SWRFA Conference, click on the headline.]

Register Now for the 2018 Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) Conference and $ave

Registration is now open for the 24th annual Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) Conference, to be held Nov. 8-11, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. The hotel is conveniently located right off 1-95, for those driving, and just a short train ride from New York City. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.] Hosts Showcases at 2018 SERFA Conference in North Carolina

More than 250 people will converge on the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, North Carolina, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Asheville and Black Mountain, May 16-20, 2018 for the 11th annual Southeast Regional Folk Alliance (SERFA) Conference. An extended weekend of contemporary and traditional folk music, networking and learning opportunities, the conference will be keynoted by Jim Rooney and features two-dozen juried official showcases. The official showcases take place Thursday-Saturday evenings from 7:15-10:30 p.m., with each artist/act performing a 15-minute set. In addition, the conference will include late-night guerilla showcases hosted by and others from 10:40 p.m. to 2 a.m. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]

FAR-West, FARM, NERFA Offer Juried Showcase Opportunities at Fall Conferences

Folk Alliance Region-West (FAR-West), Folk Alliance Region Midwest (FARM) and Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA), regional affiliates of Folk Alliance International, are currently accepting applications for juried showcases during their respective annual conferences this fall. All showcase entries must be submitted online. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]

IBMA Songwriter Showcase Applications Sought

Up to 10 songwriters (or songwriting teams) will be invited to perform one original bluegrass song each for an audience of artists, producers and other industry professionals during a Songwriter Showcase at this year’s World of Bluegrass in Raleigh, North Carolina, hosted by the International Bluegrass Music Association. The online application period for the IBMA Songwriter Showcase -- slated for Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 -- extends through March 31. [To continue reading this article, click on the headline.]