Kate Wolf Virtual Music Festival, June 25-28
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic prompted the postponement of the 25th annual Kate Wolf Music Festival until next June. However, you can enjoy a series of live streaming and pre-recorded concert sets from a number of the artists who were slated to perform at the Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, California from the comfort of your own home, June 25-28, 2020.
[To continue reading this article and to view the artist lineup and schedule, click on the headline.]

Top Albums and Songs of March 2014 (FOLKDJ-L)
One Evening in May, recorded live at the Freight and Salvage in Berkeley, California last May by bluegrass and Americana artist Laurie Lewis with friends Tom Rozum and Nina Gerber, was the most-played album on folk radio during March 2014, according to charts compiled by Richard Gillmann from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in all folk-based music on the radio.
[To view the Top Albums and Songs charts for March 2014, click on the headline.]
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