Folk DJ Radio Airplay Charts – November 2019
The Early Risers had the top album (Making Life Sweet) and the three most-played songs on folk radio during November 2019. Renowned folksinger-songwriter Si Kahn, whose albums have previously topped the charts, edged out the New England-based duo of Putnam Smith and Ashley Storrow for the month’s most-played artist and had the second most-played album (Best of the Rest). So say charts compiled by Folk Alliance International from radio playlists submitted to FOLKDJ-L, an electronic discussion group for DJs and others interested in folk-based music on the radio.
[The monthly charts are posted on, with permission. To view them, click on the headline.]
Emerging Artists Showcase Performers Chosen for 2016 Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Twenty-four artists/acts have been selected to perform in the Emerging Artists Showcase during the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival on Friday afternoon, August 5, 2016, from noon to 4:30 p.m.
[To view the list of this year's Falcon Ridge/Grassy Hill Emerging Artists Showcase performers and an article previewing the festival, click on the headline.] Hosts Late-Night Music at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will host a series of late-night song swaps, mini-showcases and open song circles during the 25th annual Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, August 1-4, in partnership with Pirate Camp, which was informally launched by Stuart Kabak and the late Jack Hardy a decade ago to provide a warm and welcoming haven for sharing music, food and camaraderie.
[To read the full article, which includes a preview of one of the Northeast's most popular music festivals and a complete schedule for the tent @ Pirate Camp, click on the headline.]

Connecticut Folk Festival & Green Expo, Sept. 8
Cheryl Wheeler, the witty singer-songwriter from Massachusetts, whose songs also have been covered by a bevy of notable artists, headlines the seventh annual Connecticut Folk Festival and Green Expo, a free, day-long event that’s set for Saturday, Sept. 8, in New Haven’s Edgerton Park.
[To continue reading the article, click on the headline.] Hosts Late-Night Song Swaps at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will host a series of late-night song swaps and mini-showcases during the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, July 26-29, in partnership with Pirate Camp, which was informally launched by Stuart Kabak and the late Jack Hardy a decade ago to provide a warm and welcoming haven for sharing music, food and camaraderie..
Now in its 24th year, Falcon Ridge takes place at Dodds Farm on Route 7D in Hillsdale, NY -- located in the foothills of the Berkshires, near the tri-state corner of New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
[ To read about the festival and see the late-night schedules, click on the headline.]
Artists Selected to Showcase at NERFA Mini-Conference, April 30
The following artists have been selected to perform short showcases during the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance (NERFA) One-Day Mini-Conference at the First Universalist Society in Franklin, Massachusetts (home of the Circle of Friends Coffeehouse) on Saturday, April 30: Burning Bridget Cleary, Michelle Cruz,
Jason Myles Goss, Brendan Hogan, Occidental Gypsy, Amy Petty, Radio Caroline, Hayley Reardon, Roy Schneider, and the Putnam Smith Trio.
[To read the complete article, click on the headline.]
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